2023年11月 秋、まだ夏日が続く






作成日 2023年11月
Produced by Masaharu Kawamura (川村正春、初枝)
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  •     2023年11月  


    ステーキ、ハンバーグ、牡蠣フライ、サラダバー、ドリンクバー。 食べ過ぎか。
    A visit to a steak restaurant after a long time, you've enjoyed steak, hamburgers, oyster fry, salad bar, and a drink bar. Did you eat too much?

     #釧路市春採湖ネイチャーセンター のアート展に出品しました。
    #釧路市公園緑化協会 より記念品を頂きました。 春採湖の有名な #シマエナガ の写真です。  まわりのお茶は別件で頂いたものです。綺麗だったので。

     #Art Exhibition
    I exhibited at the art exhibition in the Harutoriko Nature Center in Kushiro City. I received a commemorative item from the Kushiro City Greening Association. It features a famous local bird, the "Shimaenaga" (Long-tailed Tit), and the surrounding greenery was quite beautiful, so I included it in the picture.

    最初は苦手だったけれど。 美味しそうでしょ。

     "Goya" is something I occasionally crave. I might not have liked it at first, but it looks delicious, doesn't it?

     #1ポンドステーキ を焼いた。
    前日から熟成を少しやって、低温調理で1時間。 とっても柔らかく良い味になった。 野菜をオリーブオイルでソテー。 大好きなブラウンマッシュルーム。 超満足な一皿になりました。

    I cooked a 1-pound steak. I did some aging overnight and slow-cooked it for an hour. It turned out really tender and flavorful. I sautéed some vegetables in olive oil and enjoyed it with my favorite brown mushrooms. It was an incredibly satisfying dish.

    秋空が気持ち良い。 自転車で行きました。 秋のバラは香りが強い。 薔薇と香りと空と涼しさ。 幸せを感じる。
    The rose garden at Kashiwanoha Park. The crisp autumn sky felt so refreshing. I rode my bicycle there. The roses in autumn have a strong fragrance. Roses, their scent, the sky, and the coolness - it all makes me feel so happy.

    安い瓶詰めのウニ、そして生クリーム。 これだけで絶品の高級パスタ。 トライしてみて。
     #Uni Pasta
    It's unbelievably delicious. Inexpensive canned uni and some fresh cream ? these ingredients alone can create a high-end pasta dish. Give it a try.

    でも本当に美味しかった。 キンパも肉がちゃんと入っていて美味。 6色巻きもいいね。 豪華だ。

     #Sushi Rolls
    Even though it's from the supermarket's deli, it looked so delicious that I couldn't resist buying it. And it turned out to be really tasty! The kimbap with meat inside was especially good. The six-color roll looks luxurious. What a treat!

     #ローストチキン はただ焼くだけではダメ。
    チキン料理は難しい。 まる一日かけて楽しく調理しよう。 先ずは塩で熟成させる。 そして #低温加熱。 最後はタレで味付け。今回は穴子のツメを使ってみた。 超美味。 クリスマスは丸鶏を使ってみたい。

     #Chicken Dish
    Roasting chicken is not just about baking it; chicken dishes can be quite challenging. Let's make it a fun day of cooking. First, age the chicken with salt. Then, cook it at a low temperature. Finally, season it with sauce. This time, I tried using eel fin for the sauce. It turned out super delicious. I'm thinking of trying a whole chicken for Christmas.

    調理を楽しむために熟成を一昼夜。 美味しくなーれ! 熟成はいいね。 楽しいね。美味しかったな。
     #Tuna Sashimi
    Bought some frozen tuna for sashimi. Aged it for a day and night to enhance the flavor. Let the culinary adventure begin! Aging really adds a special touch. What a delightful and delicious experience.

     マッサマンカレーの #スパイスミックス を購入。
    これをベースに味を確かめながら色々なものを加えます。 毎回、オリジナルの美味しさが楽しい。 トッピングも奇麗でしょ。

     #Massaman Curry
    Bought a spice mix for Massaman curry. Using it as a base and experimenting with various ingredients to create a unique and delicious flavor each time. The toppings look beautiful, don't they?

     いきなり #寒波。
    でも例年なら当たり前の寒さ。 今朝の釧路は氷点下だって。 #おでん を煮込んだ。 この #大根の色を見て。美味しいよ。

     #Oden on Cold Days
    Suddenly, a cold wave. But this cold is usual for this time of year. This morning, Kushiro was below freezing. I simmered some oden. Look at the color of this daikon. It's delicious.

    B級グルメそのもの。 野田市にあるチェーン店です。 名物は #生姜焼き。メッチャ旨い。 #豚汁定食 も満足の旨さ。 とても綺麗なお店です。

     It's quite a unique name for a diner, huh? B-class gourmet spot. This is a chain restaurant located in Noda City. Their specialty is the ginger pork, and it's incredibly delicious. The pork miso soup set is also satisfyingly tasty. The restaurant is very clean and welcoming.

    We submitted two entries for the autumn cultural festival at my condominium.

    このビーフは安い肩ロース部分。 普通に焼くと筋が堅い。 薄くスライス、もう美味しそうだ。 パンの上に、そしてホットサンドメーカーに。 出来上がりの断面は最高。
    Slow-cooked a piece of meat to make a tender roast, using an inexpensive cut from the shoulder. When roasted conventionally, this beef cut tends to be tough due to the presence of tendons. Sliced thinly, it looks incredibly delicious. Placed it on bread and into the sandwich maker. The cross-section of the finished product looks amazing.

    左側にスカイツリー。 富士山とスカイツリーの間が東京と神奈川だね。 11月19日の夕方、秋の夜空です。

     That's a stunning view captured from the room balcony! On the left, we have the Tokyo Skytree, and in the distance, the majestic Mount Fuji. The space between Mount Fuji and the Skytree marks the expanse between Tokyo and Kanagawa. Beautiful shot, especially against the autumn evening sky on November 19th.

    沢山のキャベツをカレー粉でソテー。 フランクフルトソーセージが大好きです。 ボリュームいっぱい。旨い。

     Creating a hot dog with French bread sounds delicious! Sautéing cabbage with curry powder adds an interesting twist, and pairing it with your favorite frankfurter must have created a flavorful and satisfying meal. Enjoy your hearty and tasty creation!

    法事でちょっとお出かけ。 皆で食べた鰻重がとっても美味しかった。 鰻の藤田。

    Today, with the gentle weather reminiscent of early spring, I went out for a memorial service. We all enjoyed a delightful eel bowl together at Fujita, and it was truly delicious.

    The pampas grass shines in the autumn sky. Autumn is wonderful, isn't it?

    もう一つの目的は大好きな #横浜家 で醤油豚骨ラーメンを。 ここのラーメンが一番好きです。 ザーサイも旨い。 35年前の横浜家本店開業時からのファンです。

    iekei ramen
     Visited a dentist in Yokohama for my regular implant checkup. Another purpose was to indulge in my favorite soy sauce tonkotsu ramen at #Yokohamaya. Their ramen is the best for me, and the pickled mustard greens are delicious too. I've been a fan since the opening of the original Yokohamaya 35 years ago.

     今シーズン初の #生牡蠣 を食す。

     Enjoyed the first raw oysters of the season. Delicious!

    11月25日:#サーモン を使った #フランス料理:
     安価な材料を使って高級料理をにする。 それが料理の醍醐味。
    サーモンを熟成させて更に漬けでサーモン臭を削除。 ちょっとスモークサーモン風。 なので、かみさんにフランス料理にしてもらった。 生クリームとバルサミコを使って超高級料理に。 最高です。

     Creating gourmet dishes from inexpensive ingredients is the essence of cooking. Aged and marinated salmon, with a touch of smoked salmon influence. My wife turned it into a luxurious French dish using cream and balsamic. Absolutely divine!

    11月26日:#叉焼 を焼く:
    #低温調理 で長時間焼く。あるいは煮る。 とっても柔らかい。香りが良い。 脂を溶かしてはNG. 美味しいよ。 ちなみにくず野菜が美味しい。

    Grilling char siu is a fulfilling experience. Slow-cooking at a low temperature for an extended period results in tenderness and a delightful aroma. Be cautious not to melt the fat. It's delicious. By the way, grilled vegetables complement the dish perfectly.

    海苔や大葉やパクチーのトッピング。 もちろんパルミジャーノ、タバスコも。 安い少量の生たらこで十分美味しく出来る。

     Yaki tarako pasta is both affordable and incredibly delicious. Topped with seaweed, shiso, and cilantro, of course, Parmesan and Tabasco too. You can create a wonderfully tasty dish with a small amount of inexpensive fresh tarako.

     ちょっと変わった #フランスパン の #サンドイッチ を作りました。
    メッチャ美味しそう。 食べにくそうに見えるけれど、実はきちんと考えています。 トマトの部分をカットしてホットサンドメーカーでチーズを溶かし熱々サンドイッチにします。 美味しかったよ。

     I made a somewhat unusual sandwich using French bread. It looks challenging to eat, but I've thought it through. I cut the tomato part and melted cheese in a sandwich maker, creating a hot and delicious sandwich. It was really tasty!

     先日の #ジョブチューン でかなり優秀な成績を獲得。
    ミーハーな私は早速近所の大阪王将に。 不合格だったプルプル大粒水餃子は絶対食べたいので注文。 全部美味しかったです。

     After achieving impressive results in the recent Job Tune, I immediately visited the nearby Osaka Ohsho. I ordered the plump and large water dumplings that were unsuccessful in the show, and everything was delicious.

    甘辛タレとネギ、パクチーをトッピング。 最高の仕上がりです。

     The last batch of the char-siu I cooked recently was transformed into roast pork, topped with sweet and savory sauce, green onions, and cilantro. It turned out to be an excellent dish.

    10割蕎麦が食べたくて野田の2代目長助に。 今日の蕎麦は美味しかったな。 ホシが入っていて香りが良い。 新蕎麦だね。金曜日は大盛り無料。 天麩羅も揚げ立てを持ってきてくれた。

     Today was cold, and I craved 100% buckwheat soba. Went to Noda's 2nd generation Chosuke. The soba today was delicious. It had a good fragrance and was probably freshly made. Fridays come with a free large portion. They also served freshly fried tempura. So satisfying.


     Returned home, and since it was cold, had a bowl of sweet red bean soup made. Mmm, it's delicious.

    日本では那須高原にあるレストランベーカリー。 店内にはビートルズコレクションがいっぱいだ。 柏の葉キャンパスには、蔦屋書店のT-siteの中におしゃれなベーカリー・ペニーレインがある。 この写真のパンは知り合いからの頂き物です。 私は那須のお店もT-siteも好きです。

     When you say 'Penny Lane,' it could refer to a Beatles song. In Japan, there's a restaurant and bakery in Nasu Kogen with that name. The place is adorned with a collection of Beatles memorabilia. In Kashiwa no Ha Campus, there's also a stylish bakery called Penny Lane within the T-site complex, and the bread in this photo is a gift from an acquaintance. I enjoy both the Nasu shop and T-site

    脂を溶かしてはいけない。 ナイフを入れて脂が出てきたら失敗。 肉の脂を取ったらパサパサハンバーグ。 というのをシェフが言っていた。

     Making hamburg steak using 100% beef ground meat. You mustn't melt the fat; if you cut it with a knife and fat comes out, it's a failure. Removing the fat from the meat makes the hamburg dry, as the chef explained.

    12月4日:でっかい #牡蠣フライ:
    めっちゃ美味しい。 この時期の牡蠣が大好きです。

     Making a huge oyster fry, so preparing plenty of tartar sauce. It's incredibly delicious. I love oysters this time of the year.

     久しぶりにご飯の #朝食。
    鯵の干物は定番か。 最近のテーマは塩麹の使い方。 肉や魚を美味しく新鮮なままに。 いいよ。

     Having rice breakfast after a while. Dried horse mackerel with rice is a classic. Lately, I've been exploring ways to use salt koji, enhancing the flavors of meat and fish while keeping them fresh. It's good!

    最初、関西で食べたので向こうが発祥かと思ったら東京なんだね。 近所にも開店したので早速。 B級グルメとして全国で伸びているようです。

     The legendary Suta-don! It might be an exaggerated expression. Initially, I thought it originated in Kansai since I first tried it there, but it turns out it's from Tokyo. There's a newly opened one in my neighborhood, so I tried it right away. Seems like it's gaining popularity nationwide as a B-class gourmet dish.

    凄く美味しい。 フランスパンもいいね。

     Thick and gigantic Menchi-katsu using Japan Meat's side dish. Incredibly delicious. The French bread is also great, isn't it?

    歳をとったということか? 朝食は天麩羅うどん

     Tempura for breakfast, lately I've come to like Shungiku (chrysanthemum greens). Is it a sign of aging? Breakfast was tempura udon.

    開店日なので、めっちゃ混雑。 広い駐車場もいっぱい。 凄く安い。
     The newly opened market, "Top," is bustling with activity on its opening day. The spacious parking lot is also full, and the prices are incredibly affordable. This is Kashiwa. It became famous for the Emperor's Cup soccer.

    もちろん、中はフワフワ、外はパリパリに焼く。 美味しいよ。

     Breakfast: Recently, I've been buying delicious and affordable French bread. Of course, it's soft on the inside and crispy on the outside when baked. It's delicious.

    2日間熟成させて、 ローストと水炊きに。 香りがとてもよく美味しくなりました。
     Chicken Dish
    Purchased affordable chicken thigh meat and slow-cooked it. Aged for two days, Roasted and simmered. The aroma is delightful, and it has become very delicious.

    これがメッチャ新鮮で美味しい。 飛ぶように売れている開店したばかりの #生鮮市場TOP。 巨大な駐車場は平日でも混雑。 私たちは近所なので歩いて行きます。 冷蔵庫がいらないかも。 プリンアラモード110円。800個限り。
    A cheap and delicious seafood bowl for only 500 yen. This is incredibly fresh and tasty. From the recently opened " #FreshMarketTOP," it's selling like hotcakes. Even on weekdays, the vast parking lot is crowded. Since we live nearby, we walk there. Who needs a refrigerator anymore? Pudding a la mode for 110 yen, limited to 800 servings.

    近所の生鮮市場トップは牛を2頭買いするそうです。 普段食べることができない希少部位もリーズナブルにお店に並ぶ。 美味しかったなー。 脂がすごく乗っている。ジューシー。 とろけるけれど、飲み物ではなくしっかり肉としてのボリューム感がある。 それがトモサンカク。
     #Tomosankaku  I purchased and tried "Tomosankaku" for the first time. I heard that the local fresh market, TOP, buys two whole cows. This allows them to offer rare cuts that are not usually available at reasonable prices. It was delicious! The meat was incredibly fatty, making it juicy. It melted in the mouth, and despite being so tender, it had a substantial volume, making it a satisfying meat experience. That's Tomosankaku.

    予定では今日の夕方まで修理がかかる。 エレベータ、水、全部NG。 なので朝から野田のスーパー銭湯、#湯の郷 に。 色んなお風呂を経験。なかなか面白い。 レストランで面白いメニューが。 こんなでかいコロッケ初めてだ。 サクサクですごく美味しい。
     #WarajiCroquette Don
     Since last night, there has been a cable failure in the apartment causing a power outage. The repair is expected to take until this evening. Elevators, water?everything is out of service. So, I decided to visit Noda's super sento, "Yunosato," from the morning. Experienced various baths, which was quite interesting. The restaurant had an interesting menu, and this is the first time I've seen such a giant croquette. It's crispy and incredibly delicious.

    養殖でも、涙が出るほど美味しい。 いいね。

     #Fresh Bluefin Tuna Medium-fatty tuna, delicious. Even in aquaculture, it's unbelievably tasty. Nice.

     別名「肉のお姫様」とも呼ばれる「カイノミ」の名前の由来は、肉を切り出した形がムール貝の身に似ているから。特に希少な部位で、肉の旨みを存分に味わえる高級肉。  ということでフルコースの料理を創る。
    スープ、前菜はオマールエビのテリーヌ等、メインはカイノミステーキ、デザート。  近所のトップというスーパーで全部揃う。いいね。
     Kainomi, also known as the "princess of meat," gets its name because the shape of the cut meat resembles the flesh of a mussel. This is a particularly rare cut, offering the full flavor of the meat and considered a luxury item.  So, I decided to create a full-course meal using it. Soup, appetizers like lobster terrine, the main course featuring Kainomi steak, and dessert. I could find everything at the nearby Top supermarket. Nice.

    12月19日:#ラクウショウ と #メタセコイヤ:
    この二つの紅葉写真は異なる植物。 ラクウショウとメタセコイアは属が異なるが、その姿はよく似ており遠目では区別できないことが多い。 枝葉のつきかたが異なり、ラクウショウの枝は互生する。メタセコイアの枝は対生する。1枚目はラクウショウ(落羽松)、2枚目は柏の葉公園のメタセコイヤ。まあ、どちらも美しいですけれど。
     #Rakuusho and #Metasequoia
    As autumn deepens, beautiful fall foliage can be enjoyed. The two pictures of autumn leaves feature different plants. Rakuusho (Lacebark Pine) and Metasequoia belong to different genera, but their appearance is quite similar, often making them indistinguishable from a distance. Their branch arrangements differ; Rakuusho's branches are alternate, while Metasequoia's branches are opposite. The first picture is of Rakuusho, and the second is of Metasequoia at Kashiwanoha Park. Well, both are beautiful in their own way.

     野菜の皮や今まで捨てていた部分をまとめて煮る。 ミキサーでポタージュ風に。 味付けをする。 最後は生クリームで高級料理に。
    ピラフにはレタスの周り部分を使う。 美味しいよ。免疫力もアップ。
     Cooking Delicious Dishes with Vegetable Scraps.
    Gather vegetable peels and parts that were previously discarded and simmer them together. Blend them into a soup-like consistency using a mixer, season to taste, and finish with cream to elevate it to a luxurious dish. You can also use parts around the lettuce for a pilaf. It's not only delicious but also boosts your immune system.

    お魚屋サンの2つの天丼。 でっかい海老が3本。 右は海老、イカ、キス、穴子、野菜。 ボリュームあるね。 再度加熱して頂きました。
     Tempura Rice Bowl
    At Senreihirasho in LaLaport Kashiwanoha, there are two tempura rice bowl from the fish shop. Each one features three large prawns. On the right, there is shrimp, squid, kisu (Japanese whiting), anago (conger eel), and vegetables. It's quite substantial.

    イヤー、贅沢だね。 もちろん食べきれない。 美味しい。幸せだね。 まだクリスマス料理ではありません。

     Gusto Takeout Feast
     Creating a full-course meal centered around Gusto takeout. Wow, that's luxurious! Of course, it's more than I can finish. Delicious. What a delight. It's not even Christmas cuisine yet.

     22nd Evening Mt. Fuji
     It seems there's a strong winter wind. It's an incredible sight, one I'm seeing for the first time.

    なのでアヒージョにしてパクチーとか大葉とか生姜をたくさんトッピング。 すっごく美味しくなった。 料理は面白いね。
     #Bonito Tataki  The purchased bonito tataki didn't quite suit my taste, so I turned it into an aglio e olio dish, topping it with plenty of cilantro, shiso leaves, and ginger. It turned out incredibly delicious. Cooking is fascinating, isn't it?

    丸鶏、オマールエビ、ハモンセラーノ、フランスパン。 時間をかけてじっくり美味しく調理します。 楽しいよ。

     Christmas Cooking Ingredients.
     These seem to be the main ingredients: whole chicken, langoustines, Jamón Serrano, and French bread. Cooking them slowly and carefully over time is sure to result in something delicious. Enjoy the process!


     The completed roast chicken after three days of preparation. A whole chicken of that size promises a satisfying meal!

    2尾セットが嘘みたいにメッチャ安い。 大きいし絶対買うよね。
    Purchased Canadian lobsters, a set of two that's unbelievably affordable. They're large; definitely worth buying!

    ちょっと量が多い。 食べきれないけれど、美味しかった。 後はデザートかな。
    Lobster Thermidor. Grilled Lobster Claws. Roast Chicken. Spare Ribs.
     It sounds like a delightful and festive Christmas dinner! Enjoying a variety of dishes makes the celebration even more special. And dessert will surely be the perfect way to conclude the feast.

    マンションのラジオ体操仲間から差し入れ。 デザートは玄関から来てしまった。 美味しかったよ。
    At the end, it's dessert, but suddenly, the doorbell rang. A surprise treat from my radio exercise buddies in the apartment. Dessert came right through the front door. It was delicious.

      26th, Mount Fuji at Sunset
     The sky is painted in red. Observing the winter sunset in the cold evening.

     大きな丸鶏の #ローストチキン は当然食べきれない。
    なので3日目は鍋に入れる。 すっごく美味しいよ。
    出汁も出るのでスープがメッチャ旨い。 実はこれでもチキンが残るのでお正月のお雑煮に使います。
     #Chicken Dish - Hot Pot
     The large whole #roastchicken is, of course, more than one can finish in a single meal. So, on the third day, it goes into a hot pot. It's incredibly delicious. The broth that comes out is fantastic, making a flavorful soup. Interestingly, even after this, there's usually some chicken left, and it can be used for the traditional Japanese New Year dish, "ozoni".

    12月27日:#ハンバーグステーキ を作る。:
    ほぼ挽肉と僅かなオニオンで作る。 塩と胡椒、ナツメグで味付け。 後は弱火で焼く。 流行の言葉で言うとにくにくしい。 旨い。
     Making #HamburgSteak
    Making hamburg steak from ground meat is surprisingly simple. It's mostly ground meat with a bit of onion. Season it with salt, pepper, and nutmeg, then cook it over low heat. In trendy terms, it's juicy and delicious.

    熱々ソーセージ、煮玉子、超柔らか大根、新鮮パクチー。 美味しかった。

     #Oden  This time, the oden sounds fantastic! Hot sausages, simmered eggs, incredibly tender daikon radish, and fresh cilantro?delicious!

    12月29日:もうすぐ #年越しそば:
    大晦日の年越し蕎麦は形式だけにして、 きちんと美味しい #10割蕎麦 は早めに頂きました。 天麩羅も揚げ立てを作ってもらいました。 野田市の #2代目長助

     #New Year's Soba is coming soon!
     From tomorrow onwards, popular soba shops will be crowded. For New Year's Eve, I opted for formalities with symbolic soba, but I made sure to enjoy delicious 100% buckwheat soba earlier. I also had freshly fried tempura made for me at Noda City's 2nd Generation Chosuke.

    ペペロンチーノの贅沢版。 お正月用のホワイトロースハムとハモンセラーノ。 パクチーにパルメジャーノ。 もう最高。 なんて美味しいのだろう。

     Today's pasta dish is a refreshing treat? a luxurious version of Peperoncino. It features special ingredients for New Year's, including white prosciutto ham and Jamón Serrano. Topped with cilantro and Parmesan, it's absolutely divine. What a delicious creation!

    佐渡島のお餅だそうです。 お正月前だったけれど待ちきれず、少し食べちゃいました。 素朴で風味豊かな美味しさ。 有難う御座いました。

     Received some ricecake from a friend. It's said to be from Sado Island. Even though it's just before New Year's, I couldn't wait and had a bit. It had a simple yet flavorful deliciousness. Thank you very much!

    カリカリに焼き上げたフランスパンにどっさり挟む。 野菜もたっぷり。パクチーもいい。 なんて美味しいのだろう。

     NewYear'sEve Breakfast
    A generous serving of New Year's ham and Jamón Serrano on crispy French bread, loaded with plenty of vegetables. The addition of cilantro adds a nice touch. How delicious it must be!
