
 これが #釧路の長期滞在 です。

  #Kushiro City Hall, #Business Research Association
 We are always grateful to Ota-san, who takes care of us every summer.
 Please take a look at the poster behind us.
 This is the long-term stay in Kushiro.
 Today, we are making courtesy visits.
 Everyone is treating us very well. Thank you very much.





作成日 2023年7月
Produced by Masaharu Kawamura (川村正春、初枝)
  • 前のHPへ
  • 次のHPへ
  • 表紙のHPへ

  •     2023年7月11日より釧路長期滞在  


    今日は一日中雨、時々土砂降り。 外は寒いよ、でも車内は除湿暖房で快適です。 夕食は早速お寿司。 なごやか亭で軽く。 写真は #メガサーモンロール。でかっ。

     #Kushiro, #Nagoyakatei
    We arrived in Kushiro in the evening. It has been raining all day, sometimes heavily. It's cold outside, but the car interior is comfortable with dehumidifying heating. For dinner, we had sushi right away at Nagoyakatei. We ordered the #MegaSalmonRoll. It's huge!

    #石山商店 のお客さんは観光客ではなくて地元の人々。 またお世話になります。 いつも美味しいものを有難うございます。 きゅうりはサービスです。

     #Washo Market
    When it comes to Kushiro, Washo Market is a must-visit. The customers at Ishiyama Shouten are not just tourists, but also local people. We appreciate your continued support. Thank you for always providing delicious food. The cucumbers are complimentary.

     釧路の #北大通り にデルフィニウムが鮮やかに咲いていた。
    人々が奇麗に管理している。 マリーゴールドの花も大きめで華やかだ。 天気は晴れだけれど気温は低い、湿度も低い。 米西海岸のような気持ち良さだ。 白バイも気持ち良さそうだ。

    Delphiniums were blooming vibrantly on Kushiro's #Kitaoodori. People have taken great care of them. The marigold flowers are also large and colorful. The weather is sunny, but the temperature is low and the humidity is also low. It feels like the pleasantness of the US West Coast. Even the police motorcycles seem to be enjoying the weather.

    北海道ではザンギが多い。 唐揚げと何が違うのか。 それが違うらしい。 なぜなら、あるお店にはザンギも唐揚げもあるから。 でも微妙な違いだな。 タレをかけると #ザンタレ という。

    Zangi, born in Kushiro, is popular in Hokkaido. What sets it apart from regular karaage (Japanese-style fried chicken)? It seems to be in the subtle differences. There is a certain shop that offers both zangi and karaage. When you pour sauce on it, it becomes "#Zantare."

    これは旨い。 #釧路のイオン昭和 に、このお店が出来ました。 早速行ってきました。 半身揚げは何処にでもあるけれど、ここのは流石。

    The original Hanmiage from the Narutoya in Otaru is absolutely delicious. And now, this shop has opened in the Aeon Showa in Kushiro. I went there right away. Hanmiage can be found anywhere, but this one is truly exceptional.

     病み上がりなので運動をしたくても飛んだり跳ねたりはちょっと無理。 でも基本的な筋肉運動やストレッチは大切。
    なのでジムの調査をこの2日間続けている。 今日は、釧路市立の #湿原の風アリーナ を見学。 大きな体育館には #トレーニングルーム がある。 ここは #釧路湿原の南端。 素晴らしい。

     Exercising in Kushiro
    Since I'm still recovering from an illness, intense activities like jumping or bouncing are a bit challenging. However, basic muscle exercises and stretching are important. That's why I've been researching gyms for the past two days. Today, I visited the Kushiro City-owned "Shitsugen no Kaze Arena". This large gymnasium has a training room. It's located at the southern end of the Kushiro Wetlands. It's wonderful.

     今日は #新庄先生 主催の #釧路湿原英語ガイド。 新庄先生は #ブラタモリ でタモリさんのガイドをしました。
    今日のイベントは全部英語で行います。 色んな人がいるね。

     Today, we have Mr. Shinsho hosting an English-guided tour of the Kushiro Wetlands.
    Mr. Shinsho is known for being a guide on the popular Japanese TV program "Buratamori" with Tamori-san. The entire event will be conducted in English.

    7月17日:Windhill Super Arena:
     #トレーニングルーム で軽く運動をすることにする。
    毎日少しづつやることが大切だね。 涼しい釧路で体力気力を回復させます。 実際には90%位は達成しているから残りはあとわずか。 でも、これからがとても大切だと思う。

     I've decided to do some light exercise in the training room. It's important to do a little bit every day. I'll recover my physical and mental strength in the cool climate of Kushiro. In reality, I've already achieved about 90%, so there's just a little bit left. But I think the future is very important.

    7月17日:Victoria Station:

     Since I've done some exercise, I'll have a hearty meal. The soup and salad are all-you-can-eat.

    大きな #スーパーアリーナ は、公園のほんの一部。 #釧路湿原 の広大な景色に癒されながら身体を動かします。

     #Kushiro Sports Park
    This place is a truly massive sports park. The large Super Arena is just a small part of the park. I'll move my body while being healed by the vast scenery of the Kushiro Wetlands.

     釧路のメジャーな魚屋さんであり食堂でありレストラン。 といっても団体の観光客を受け入れるわけではない。 だから地元にも人気がある。
    今日のランチは五目焼きそばと焼きニシン定食。 美味しかったです。

     Sennosuke Honten
    Sennosuke Honten is a well-known fish market, eatery, and restaurant in Kushiro. However, they do not cater to large groups of tourists. That's why it's popular among locals. Today's lunch was Gomoku Yakisoba (mixed yakisoba) and Grilled Pacific Herring set meal. It was delicious.


     襟裳岬以西の北海道の太平洋沖で、#オオズワイガニ が大量発生している。高級品の本ズワイガニと違って販路が未整備の上、カレイ漁の漁具を壊してしまい、漁師にとっては「邪魔者」のようだ。とはいえ、庶民にしてみれば、カニを安く味わえるならありがたい。 #和商市場 の #石山商店 にありました。いつものお姉さんにお願いして、鋏をお借りしてすぐに食べる。 小さいのでメッチャ面倒だけど、メッチャ美味しい。 甘いねー。カニ味噌も美味。最高。 全部でワンコイン。ウッソー。

     Horsehair Crab
    There has been a massive increase in Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hokkaido, west of Cape Erimo. Unlike the premium Hairy Crab, the sales channels for these horsehair crabs are not well-established, and they often interfere with the gear used for flounder fishing, making them a nuisance for fishermen. However, for the general public, it's a welcome opportunity to enjoy crabs at a lower price. I found them at Ishiyama Shouten in Washo Market. I asked the usual lady there and borrowed a pair of scissors to eat them right away. They are small, so it's a bit troublesome to eat, but they are incredibly delicious. They are so sweet! The crab miso is also delicious. It's the best. And all of this for just one coin. Unbelievable!

     釧路の文化レベルは昔から高かった。 その中心地は写真にある幣舞橋。 右上にあるのが私の宿泊しているドーミーインプレミアム釧路。 左上がフィッシャーマンズワーフMOOとEGG。

     Visiting Ancestors: Yasuko Harada and Elegy
    Kushiro has always been known for its high cultural level. The center of it all is the Nusamaibashi Bridge in the photo. The hotel I'm staying at, Dormy Inn Premium Kushiro, can be seen in the top right. On the top left are Fisherman's Wharf MOO and EGG.

     #なごやか亭 の #海老天うどん です。
    丁寧に調理されていて本当に美味しい。 大きな太い海老、腰のあるうどん、出しのきいたつゆ。 弾力のある蒲鉾。 たかがうどん、されどうどん。

     Sushi Restaurant's #Udon
    It's the "Ebi Tempura Udon" from #Nagoyakatei. It's meticulously prepared and truly delicious. It has large and thick shrimp, firm udon noodles, and a flavorful broth. The fish cake is also chewy. It may be just udon, but it's still something special.

    7月21日:#ランチ #焼肉:
     毎日ジムで身体トレーニング。 そして毎日しっかり美味しく食べます。 これが幸せっていうもんだよ。
     ちなみに、#ぎゅう太 という焼肉屋さん。 なんと値上げをしていません。すごい。

     #Lunch #Yakiniku
     Every day, I work out at the gym to train my body. And every day, I enjoy delicious meals. This is what happiness is all about. By the way, there's a yakiniku restaurant called "Gyuta" that hasn't raised its prices. That's amazing.

    自然を勉強して自然を知ることが大切です。 動植物の勉強も楽しい。 今回のイベントは国の事業です。

     #Kushiro #Wetland Natural Restoration Activity
    The wetlands are decreasing in size. It's important to study and understand nature. Learning about the flora and fauna is also enjoyable. This event is part of the national initiative.

     乾いた湿原の地下水レベルを上げて #ヨシの苗 を植えます。 もう何年もこの活動に参加させてもらっています。
     大きな #ハンノキ が育ってしまったエリアの再生も行います。 ハンノキの皮を環状剥離して徐々にハンノキを弱らせます。

     #Kushiro #Wetland Natural Restoration Activity
    In this activity, we raise the groundwater level in the dry wetland and plant young reed plants. I've been participating in this activity for several years now. We also work on restoring the area where large Japanese alder trees have grown. By removing the bark in a circular manner, we gradually weaken the Japanese alder trees. It's a wonderful experience to enter the wetland and enjoy nature.

     午前中は湿原再生活動。 午後はコンサートを楽しみます。 釧路の文化は素敵ですね。
    カンマーアンサンブルは3年ぶりのコンサート。 レベルの高い素晴らしいグループです。 フルートが欠席していたのが残念。

    In the morning, we will be participating in the wetland restoration activity. In the afternoon, we will enjoy a concert. The cultural scene in Kushiro is wonderful, isn't it? It's been three years since the last concert by the Comma Ensemble. They are a fantastic group with a high level of skill. It's a pity that the flute player was absent.

     アスチルベはユキノシタ科チダケサシ属の多年草植物。 特にこのうちで園芸用に改良されたものを含む一連の観賞用に栽培されるものをこう呼ぶ。 ショウマ(升麻)、アワモリソウ(泡盛草)、アケボノショウマ(曙升麻)の別名を持つ。  #釧路北大通 に鮮やかに咲いていました。いいね。

    Astilbe is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Saxifragaceae family. The term "Astilbe" is used particularly for the cultivars bred for ornamental purposes, including those in the genus. It is also known by other names such as "Shouma," "Awamorisou," and "Akebonoshouma."  I saw vibrant Astilbe blooming in Kushiro's Kitaoodori Avenue. It's beautiful!

       #オウゴンオニユリ とは、ユリ科ユリ属の植物。オニユリの変種で、対馬のみに自生する。 心無い者によって自生状態はほぼ皆無となっており、現在は愛好家たちの手で積極的な保存育成が進められている。同名での市販品にはオニユリとの人工交配種があるので、注意が必要。
     釧路の道路際に植えられていた。 とても美しい。 自生のものがなくなってしまって園芸種のみとは残念。

     #Golden Spider Lily
    The #Ougon Oniyuri, also known as the Golden Spider Lily, is a plant belonging to the Lily family (Liliaceae) and is a variation of the Oniyuri species. It is native only to Tsushima Island in Japan. Unfortunately, due to thoughtless actions, the wild population of this flower has nearly vanished, and now active conservation efforts are being carried out by enthusiasts. It's important to be cautious when purchasing, as there are hybrid varieties of Oniyuri marketed under the same name. I saw them planted along the roadsides in Kushiro. They are truly beautiful. It's a pity that they are mostly garden varieties now, and the wild ones are scarce.

    7月25日:#湿原の風アリーナ からの景色:
     ジムで運動している場所アリーナは #釧路湿原 の南端。 というよりは湿原だったところ。
    この写真はアリーナの展望台から撮影したもの。 毎日この景色を見ながら身体を動かしている。

    #View from the Wetland Wind Arena
    The gym where I exercise, the Arena, is located at the southern end of the #Kushiro Wetlands, or rather, where the wetlands used to be. This photo was taken from the observation deck of the Arena. I get to see this view every day while working out, and it's truly breathtaking.

    7月25日:#シロナガスクジラ の下あごの骨:
     #釧路市立博物館 に展示されている本物の骨。
    凄いね。 現在の地球上最大の動物の骨です。

     #Fossilized Jawbone of a Bowhead Whale
    The Kushiro City Museum displays a genuine fossilized jawbone of a #BowheadWhale. It's incredible! This jawbone is currently the largest bone of any animal on Earth.

     #釧路市立博物館 の特別展示です。
    牧野富太郎と植物標本。 植物担当学芸員の加藤さんが記述。 朝ドラで植物に興味をもつ人が増えています。 #春採湖ネイチャーセンター にも問い合わせが増えている。

    The Kushiro City Museum is currently holding a special exhibition on Makino Tomitaro and his plant specimens. The exhibit is curated by Kato-san, the plant specialist. The popularity of morning dramas has sparked an increased interest in plants among people. As a result, there has been a rise in inquiries at the Harutoriko Nature Center as well.

    7月27日:#釧路市水産課 主催、長期滞在者向けの#料理教室:
     #釧路漁業協同組合 協力の新鮮な海産物を使用した料理教室。 これは凄いよ。本当に水揚げされたばかりの海産物。 超贅沢です。 まだ生きている #花咲ガニ。それも何匹も使える。 最高に嬉しくなっちゃうでしょ。幸せだな。
     A cooking class organized by the #Kushiro City Fisheries Division, specially designed for long-stay visitors. This class features fresh seafood provided by the cooperation of the #Kushiro Fisheries Cooperative. It's truly amazing! The seafood is so fresh, as if it was just caught from the sea. It's an absolute luxury! We even get to use live #Hanasaki Crab, and there are several of them to cook with. It's such a delight! You can't help but feel overjoyed and blessed with such a wonderful experience.

    7月27日:#釧路市水産課 主催、長期滞在者向けの #料理教室:
     私達滞在者が自由に魚を選んで自由に料理をする。 6グループがそれぞれ考える。 私たちはフランス料理風を考えました。 マダラのムニエル、生クリームソース。 カレイのムニエル、バルサミコソース。 花咲ガニのドレッシング、野菜を添えて。 シシャモのアヒージョ。 マツブは水揚げが遅れ、主催者側でお刺身を作ってくれた。 灯台ツブはお土産でたくさん配られた。 何という贅沢。全部最高に美味しい。もう嬉しくて嬉しくて。
     Cooking Class Organized by Kushiro City Fisheries Division
    In the cooking class for long-stay visitors, we had the freedom to select our own fish and create our dishes. There were six groups, each coming up with their own ideas. Our group decided to go for a French cuisine theme. We prepared Saury Meunière with a creamy sauce, Flounder Meunière with balsamic vinegar sauce, and dressed Hanasaki Crab with assorted vegetables. We also made Shishamo Aglio e Olio. The Matsubu (Pacific sand lance) was delayed in landing, so the organizers kindly prepared sashimi for us. As for the Lighthouse Tsubu (Turban shell), it was generously given as a souvenir to everyone. What an extraordinary experience! Everything was incredibly delicious. I couldn't help but feel overjoyed and grateful for such a luxurious treat.

     #釧路 にもしっかりこのお店があります。
    4種類異なるものを購入。 私はこの巨大な #ワッパー が大好きです。 炭火の香りでいかにも #アメリカンハンバーガー。 美味しいね。

     #BurgerKing in Kushiro
    Indeed, there is a Burger King in #Kushiro as well. I purchased four different items. Personally, I love the enormous #Whopper; it truly captures the essence of an #AmericanHamburger with its charcoal-grilled aroma. It's so delicious!

     釧路の街の中にある #春採湖。 動植物の宝庫。
    あのシマエナガもいる。 ネイチャーガイドさんとはお友達。 コーヒーを飲みながらお喋り。 いいね。

     #Harutoriko Nature Center #Harutoriko Lake is located right in the heart of Kushiro city. It's a treasure trove of wildlife and plants, and you can even find the adorable Long-tailed Tit (known as #Shimaenaga in Japanese) there. I happen to be friends with the nature guides there. We enjoy chatting over coffee together. It's wonderful!

    毎年、お世話になっています。 みんな待っていてくれて有難う。 ご心配をおかけしました。 いつまでもエネルギッシュな身体に。 ダンスのお陰です。

    A dance studio in #Kushiro that I visit every year. I am deeply grateful to everyone there for always welcoming me with open arms. Thank you for your concern and support. Thanks to dance, I can maintain an energetic and vibrant body. I owe it all to the power of dance.

    8月1日:釧路 #港まつり 踊り練習会:
     釧路市 #ビジネス研究会 主催、長期滞在者のためのレッスン。
    インストラクターは花柳流の #花柳寿芳貴 さん。 私は果林ちゃんと呼びます。 いつも楽しいレッスン、有難うございます。 それにしてもエアコンのない部屋は暑い。 踊りは楽しいね。

     Kushiro Port Festival Dance Practice
    Organized by the Kushiro Business Research Association, this is a dance lesson tailored for long-term residents. The instructor is Hanayagi-ryu's Hanayagi Juhouki-san, whom I affectionately call "Karin-chan." Her lessons are always enjoyable, and I am truly thankful for them. However, the room without air conditioning can get quite hot. Nevertheless, dancing is so much fun!

     国土交通省や北海道が主催。 川からの釧路湿原への土砂流入による湿原乾燥化を抑制する自然再生。
    先ずは久著呂川上流、釧路湿原から20Km北側。 自然のままの河川状態。 川が曲がり丸石が大きい、動植物がたくさん。 ヤマメや雨鱒が釣れる。 石の間には柳の種が育つ。

     #KuchoroRiver, #NatureRestoration Tour
    Organized by Kokudokoutsusho and Hokkaido, this tour focuses on the natural restoration to mitigate the drying of Kushiro Wetland caused by sediment inflow from the Kuchoro River. First, we visit the upper reaches of Kuchoro River, located about 20 km north of Kushiro Wetland. The river maintains its natural state, with meandering curves and large pebbles, providing a habitat for numerous plants and animals. You can catch yamame and amago fish in the river. Between the stones, willow seeds thrive, contributing to the natural ecosystem.



      #Kuchoro River, #Nature Restoration Tour
     During the tour in the middle reaches of the river, we observe the deeply eroded riverbed.
     Soft soil has been washed downstream, about 7 to 8 meters away.
     Here, construction work is underway to protect the riverbanks and riverbed.
     Maintaining a suitable environment for plants and animals to thrive is crucial.
     Participants put on waders and enter the river to observe fish and aquatic insects. 

     まもなく釧路湿原に流入する久著呂川下流域を見学。 ここの土砂は小さい小石や砂。
    人工的な沈砂池や土砂調整池が作られて、湿原への土砂を抑制。 タンチョウや鹿などの大きな動物が生息している。 遠くに多くの #タンチョウ は観察できた。 鹿は道路で小鹿に授乳中。( ̄∇ ̄;)ハッハッハ。

     #KuchoroRiver, #NatureRestoration Tour
    Next, we will visit the lower reaches of the Kuchoro River, which will soon flow into the Kushiro Wetland. Here, the sediment consists of small pebbles and sand. Artificial sedimentation ponds and regulation reservoirs have been created to control the sediment flow into the wetland. The area is home to large animals such as #Tancho cranes and deer. We were able to observe many Tancho cranes in the distance. As for the deer, we even witnessed a mother deer nursing her fawn on the road. ( ̄∇ ̄;) Hahaha, it was quite a sight!

    8月5日:#釧路港まつり #市民踊りパレード:
     今年は耐震岸壁で開催された。 久しぶりの涼しさ、21℃くらい。流石の釧路。 お友達の京子ちゃんが来てくれた。 広い岸壁で踊っているのは、私たちのレッスンの先生とその後ろは #釧路市長。 岸壁には昔は南極観測砕氷船だった #巡視船宗谷 が釧路を盛り上げる。

     #KushiroPortFestival, #CitizenDanceParade
    This year's festival was held at the earthquake-resistant quay. It has been a while since we enjoyed such cool weather, around 21°C. Truly typical of Kushiro.  My friend Kyoko-chan came to join us. We danced on the spacious quay, and there were our dance instructor and, behind her, the Mayor of Kushiro.  On the quay, the former Antarctic observation icebreaker, #PatrolVessel Souya, which was once stationed here, adds to the excitement of Kushiro.

     例年よりは人出が少ないようです。 屋台はたくさん出ています。 お気に入りは #チキンステーキ。 #大阪焼き も買いました。 夜はサ #プライズ花火。 ホテルからの花火見物。

     #KushiroPortFestival It seems that there are fewer people compared to previous years. However, there are still many food stalls. My favorite is the #ChickenSteak, and I also tried the #OsakaYaki. At night, there will be a spectacular #firework display. I'll watch the fireworks from the hotel.

     昨夜は16℃まで気温が下がった。 8月に入ったばかりの夏真っただ中、暖房を入れました。 これが #釧路。いいね。

    Last night, the temperature dropped to 16℃. Despite being in the middle of summer in August, we turned on the heating. This is Kushiro for you. Interesting, isn't it? 

    有難うございます。 楽しかったね。

     I received the photos from the Long-Term Stay Office. It must have been a wonderful experience at the Kushiro Port Festival and the Citizens' Dance Parade. Enjoy the memories from the event!

    8月7日:#久著呂川 #自然再生見学会:
    当日の参加者は13名。 サポートの人達の方が多い。 楽しい見学会でした。 有難うございました。

     I received the photo data from the Kushiro Construction Management Department. High-quality photos from a DSLR camera indeed capture the beauty of the event in a different way. It's wonderful that there were 13 participants, and it seems like the support team made the experience even more enjoyable. Thank you for sharing your experience, and I hope you have many more enjoyable nature tours and events in the future!

    8月7日:#釧路湿原自然再生活動 の記念写真:
    ドローンからの写真は雰囲気だけだね。 自然の中で活動しているだけで楽しいのです。

     "#Kushiro Wetland Nature Restoration Activity" Commemorative Photo We received the photos from the organizing committee's Kushiro Construction Management Department. The aerial shots from the drone capture the atmosphere quite well. It was enjoyable just being active in nature.

     今日はお肉のランチ。 久しぶりの「#いきなりステーキ」。 美味しくなりました。
    ステーキもハンバーグも。 この #チーズソース の #ビーフハンバーグ はメッチャ旨い。
    Today, it's a meaty lunch for me. After a while, I visited " #IkinariSteak". It turned out to be delicious. Both the steak and the hamburger. This #CheeseSauce on the #BeefHamburger is incredibly tasty.

    どうして、みんな集中するのかな。 私も忙しい毎日を過ごしました。 もっと開催日を平準にして、のんびりとスポーツやイベントを楽しみたいね。 8月に入って、アリーナでインターハイが開催されて駐車場は大混雑。 この駐車許可証は、毎日利用する私達のための特別処置です。

     Summer Vacation Crowds
    From the end of July to the beginning of August, there's a massive influx of events during the summer vacation, resulting in crowded places everywhere. I wonder why everyone tends to concentrate during this time. I also had busy days myself. It would be nice if event dates were spread out more evenly, allowing for a leisurely enjoyment of sports and events. As August arrives, the Inter-High is taking place in the arena, causing a huge parking congestion. This parking permit is a special arrangement for us, who use it every day. 

     #セイコーマート の名物弁当。

     Grilled Saury Rice Bowl
    The specialty bento box from #SeikoMart. Prepared in-house and incredibly delicious. Of course, it features last year's frozen saury. Whenever I come to Kushiro, I make sure to have this.

    そして気温は低い。 来週も釧路名物の寒い夏。 湿った暑い空気が南から吹く。 千島寒流の親潮で一気に冷やされ霧になり、釧路の街を冷やす。 釧路湿原から摩周湖までその冷たい霧が降り注ぐ。 いいね、釧路。

     Kushiro's Mist
    Lately, Kushiro has been enveloped in mist during the nights and mornings. The temperatures remain low. Next week will also bring Kushiro's characteristic chilly summer. Moist warm air blows in from the south. The Okhotsk Sea cold current's parent current cools down suddenly and turns into mist, chilling the city of Kushiro. From Kushiro Marsh to Lake Mashu, this cold mist spreads. It's quite a unique feature of Kushiro.

    写真のアップはそれほどしていないけれど。 今回はちょっと変わった #ソフトシェルクラブ の寿司。 寿司は色んなものを少しづつ。これが良い。 人気の #なごやか亭 です。

    During my time in Kushiro, I can't even count how much sushi I've enjoyed. I might not have posted many photos, but this time I tried something a little different - #softshellcrab sushi. Sushi is about savoring a variety of flavors in small bites, and that's what makes it so great. This is at the popular #Nagoyakatei.

     #釧路運動公園 はとにかく広い。 写真の左側には野球場と陸上競技場、手前はサッカー場。 元は湿原だったところだからね。
    アリーナのほんの狭いエリアにトレーニングルームがある。 毎日通っています。 今日は人が極めて少ない。 お盆なのに何故。

    #KushiroSportsPark is undeniably vast. To the left in the photo, there's a baseball field and a track and field stadium, and in the foreground, there's a soccer field. It used to be a wetland area, after all. There's a small training room in just a corner of the arena. I go there every day. Today, the number of people is unusually low. It's Bon days, so why is that?

     お盆のど真ん中。 外食は気をつけなくては。
    混雑していても気にしていない人々が多い。 高齢者は注意した方が良いよね。 なので、食事は #テイクアウト が便利。 イオンのお盆特別メニューはとっても美味しそう。

     Convenience Foods
    Right in the middle of the Bon days. It's important to be cautious about eating out. There are many people who don't seem to mind the crowds. It's probably more advisable for the elderly to be careful. That's why takeout meals are convenient. The special Bon menu at AEON looks really delicious.

     コンビニの #店内料理 のことです。 これがとんでもなく美味しい。 #かつ丼 も #カツカレー も。 ジョブチューンで言えば全員合格をあげたい。
     #Seicomart's Hot Chef
    This refers to the in-store cooked food at convenience stores. It's unbelievably delicious. Both the katsudon and katsu curry. If we were on the show "Job Changer," I'd want to give them all a passing grade.


     #釧之助(せんのすけ) の #釧ちゃん食堂(せんちゃん)
    鰯フライと焼き糠鰊。 美味しかった。満足です。

     I want to eat fish. At "#Sennosuke" in "#SenchanShokudo", I had fried sardines and grilled nukanishin fish. Delicious. I'm satisfied.


      #釧路新聞社 主催の #花火大会

      #Shinkanrokugawa #Fireworks Festival
    The fireworks event organized by "Kushiro Newspaper Company" took place, delayed by two days due to a typhoon. Fortunately, it happened. Normally, this fireworks festival is quite chilly. But this year, the temperature was slightly warm enough to break a sweat. With the spacious riverside area, it was truly delightful. Much more enjoyable than those overcrowded fireworks festivals elsewhere.  

     本当は寒い盆踊りのはずなのに。 今年の釧路は寒くない。 踊ると汗をかく。
    本当に60分間、休みなく踊ります。 ちょっと疲れた。 歩数計は1万歩を越えた。

     #Kushiro Hokkai Bon Dance
    Although it's supposed to be a Bon dance in chilly weather, this year in Kushiro isn't cold at all. Dancing makes you sweat. For a whole 60 minutes, we danced non-stop. Feeling a bit tired now. My step counter has crossed 10,000 steps.

     #釧路町 の #釧之助 1階にある #BBQレストラン。
    釧路では炉端という。 #阿寒ポーク がメッチャ美味しかった。 #ホッケ も骨も皮も全部食べられる。 焼きながら食べると美味しいね。 ちなみにキャベツも甘くて旨かった。
     そういえばここ釧路町は例のOSO18ひぐまが駆除されたところ。釧路町は広いからね。 釧路市と釧路町は別のエリアです。

    A BBQ restaurant located on the 1st floor of Sennosuke in Kushirocho. In Kushiro, this style is known as "Robata." The #AkanPork was incredibly delicious. And the #Hokke, you can eat everything from bones to skin. Eating it while it's grilled, it's really tasty. By the way, the cabbage was also sweet and delicious. Speaking of which, this is the area where the infamous OSO18 bear was captured. Kushirocho is quite extensive, you see. Just a reminder, Kushiro City and Kushirocho are separate areas.


     Bon Odori (Bon Dance)
    Here's a photo from the recent Bon Dance held at Kitaodori in Kushiro. I had someone from the Business Study Group take this picture for me. This year, there are fewer members from the Long Stay Club participating.

     釧路にも #ジョリーパスタ があります。

     Jolly Pasta
     There's also a Jolly Pasta in Kushiro. I really like it. It's a reliable Italian restaurant. I haven't uploaded any photos, but I've been there many times.

    #ネイチャーガイド さんが種から育てたコスモス。 八重咲、カップ咲など色々な種類があります。 とても奇麗ですね。

     #Cosmos Flowers
    Kushiro is in full bloom with cosmos flowers. The nature guide cultivated these cosmos flowers from seeds. There are various types such as double-petaled and cup-shaped blooms. They are incredibly beautiful, aren't they?

    27から29℃、釧路にしては本当にメッチャ暑い。 湿度があるから梅雨みたい。 #ネイチャーセンター の仲間からアイスクリームを頂きました。 おいしい・・・。

     Hot Kushiro
    Kushiro is unusually hot this year, with temperatures ranging from 27 to 29°C. It's much hotter than usual for Kushiro. The humidity makes it feel like the rainy season. I received an ice cream from my friends at the Nature Center. It's delicious...

     とうとう #釧路のスーパー で #生さんま が並びました。
    安いじゃん。 ちょっと小さいかな。 今の時期にしては良いのでは。 刺身なら美味しいと思う。

    Finally, fresh mackerel is available at the supermarkets in Kushiro. And it's quite affordable. Though they might be a bit small. Considering the time of year, they look good. I think they would be delicious as sashimi.

     #ジョブチューン で絶賛されたスイーツを食べる。
    有名パティシエが全員、合格を付けたスイーツ。 釧路の #ローソン にもたくさん売られていました。 #メロンパン は4日間、美味しさを保つそうです。 #プレミアムロールケーキ は100%の生クリームを使用。 凄い。パティシエもびっくり。

     Lawson Sweets
    Trying the sweets highly praised on the TV show Jobtune. Sweets that all the famous pastry chefs gave their approval. Many of them are available at Lawson in Kushiro. The "Melon Pan" is said to stay delicious for four days. The "Premium Roll Cake" uses 100% fresh cream. Amazing. Even the pastry chefs are surprised.

    #麻婆豆腐 も #餃子 もすごく美味しく感じました。 ジムで運動して身体の調子が良いからかな。 でも、この写真は本当に美味しそうでしょ。

    I visited the Kushiro branch of Gyoza no Osho. Both the Mabodofu and the Gyoza tasted incredibly delicious. Maybe it's because of the good physical condition from exercising at the gym. But this photo truly looks delicious, doesn't it?

    8月も終わりになって大分お客さんが少なくなりました。 気温も釧路らしい20℃。 #石山商店 のいつものお姉さんと楽しく会話。 新鮮なホタテは絶品。 ぼたん海老も小さいけれど甘くて美味しい。 ものすごく安くしてもらった。ありがとう。

    It's been a while since I visited Washo Market. As August comes to an end, the number of customers has decreased. The temperature is also a typical 20°C for Kushiro. I had a pleasant conversation with the familiar lady from #IshiyamaShop. The fresh scallops were exquisite. Even the small botan shrimp was sweet and delicious. I got them at an incredibly low price. Thank you so much.

     大好きな #イタリアンレストラン。
    ランチは美味しいスープバーが付きます。 パスタも大盛り無料。 #ローストビーフ も良い香り。 ポークソテーは #ゴルゴンゾーラソース との相性が良い。 美味しかったな。幸せな気分。

    A favorite Italian restaurant of mine. The lunch comes with a delicious soup bar. Pasta is available in large portions for free. The aroma of the roast beef is enticing. The pork sauté goes well with the gorgonzola sauce. It was truly delicious. Such a blissful feeling.

    #餃子の王将 の8月季節メニュー。 なので最終日にトライ。 美味しかった。特に麺が旨いのが良かった。

     #Eggplant Zhajiang Noodles
    Eggplant zhajiang noodles - a seasonal menu item at Gyoza no Osho. I decided to try it on the last day of August. It was delicious, especially the noodles that were really tasty.
